The QFD institute cooperates ‘as members’ with other quality organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), American Society for Quality (ASQ), and International Academy for Quality (IAQ). We coordinate efforts for the international symposium on QFD (ISQFD) with the International Council for QFD (ICQFD), an alliance of countries participating in international QFD conferences.

Except as noted above, the QFD Institute is independent and is not affiliated with any foreign or domestic institutions and groups.

The QFD Institute is the sole administrator of Akao Prize® and offers the world's only International QFD Certificate Program authorized by Dr. Yoji Akao, founder of QFD. The International QFD Belt® Certificates can be issued only by the QFD Institute and its authorized instructors. (The individuals' QFD Belt Certificate status may be verified by contacting us.)

Misrepresentations of the QFD Institute name (in print, websites, email, social media, etc.), QFD Belt certificates, or other abuse should be reported to the QFD Institute.